Magic The Flavouring
Andy and Nathan discuss the flavour highs and lows of the world's greatest card game, Magic: The Gathering. Join them as they talk through world building, lore, mechanics and art, on a meandering quest to explore the relationship between storytelling and gameplay.
Magic The Flavouring
Ep.96 1200yr Old Flavour Picks: Kamigawa
Before they dive into the cyberpunk world of Kamigawa Neon Dynasty, Andy and Nathan take a look back at one of Magic's most divisive blocks and explore the flavour highs and lows of original Kamigawa. What flavour beats have aged well since 2004 and what aspects have dropped out of favour when designing sets?
Music by Michael Rawcliffe Audio.
MTF- @MTFlavouring,
Andy- @AndyMannface,
Nathan- @TheFoxintheMoon,