Magic The Flavouring
Andy and Nathan discuss the flavour highs and lows of the world's greatest card game, Magic: The Gathering. Join them as they talk through world building, lore, mechanics and art, on a meandering quest to explore the relationship between storytelling and gameplay.
Magic The Flavouring
Ep.95 Designs We'd Like To See: Legendary Creatures
Every Vorthos has a favourite character from the MTG Story that they feel has gotten a raw deal on their physical creature card. Whether the design feels underpowered or outdated, or maybe the character as you see them is given stats that make no sense, there is always hope for a second or third printing. The guys talk about some of their flavour wishes and the characters they hope to see get a redesign.
Music by Michael Rawcliffe Audio.
MTF- @MTFlavouring,
Andy- @AndyMannface,
Nathan- @TheFoxintheMoon,