Magic The Flavouring

Ep.139 Bloomburrow Story Review

Andy Mann, Nathan Cansell Season 2 Episode 139

As we get used to our brand new Animalfolk bodies on the Plane of Bloomburrow, a story of heroism and the power of kinship is waiting! Valerie Valdes presents us with a new tale and whilst the stakes may not be as high as we have been used to recently, the heros are no less mighty! Andy and Nathan pour over the latest Magic story and this adorable new setting.

Magic Story Articles:

Aetherhub Story Summary:,his%20soul%20to%20find%20Beleren.

Music by Michael Rawcliffe Audio.

MTF- @MTFlavouring,
Andy- @AndyMannface,
Nathan- @TheFoxintheMoon,


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