Magic The Flavouring
Andy and Nathan discuss the flavour highs and lows of the world's greatest card game, Magic: The Gathering. Join them as they talk through world building, lore, mechanics and art, on a meandering quest to explore the relationship between storytelling and gameplay.
Magic The Flavouring
Ep.109 Double Masters 2: New Flavour
Andy Mann, Nathan Cansell
Season 2
Episode 109
Double Masters 2022 is here and whilst it may be shaping up to be one of MTG's most expensive sets ever, much like it's predecessor it is packed with flavour! Andy looks at the new flavour in this reprint set and also talks about the balance between in-world and meta references.
Music by Michael Rawcliffe Audio.
MTF- @MTFlavouring,
Andy- @AndyMannface,
Nathan- @TheFoxintheMoon,