Magic The Flavouring
Andy and Nathan discuss the flavour highs and lows of the world's greatest card game, Magic: The Gathering. Join them as they talk through world building, lore, mechanics and art, on a meandering quest to explore the relationship between storytelling and gameplay.
Magic The Flavouring
Ep.105 New Capenna Flavour Picks feat. Sheldon Menery
New Capenna has finally been fully spoiled which means it's time for Andy to go through the most flavourful cards in the set, and this time he is joined by the Godfather of EDH, Sheldon Menery! Which cards have proven themselves worthy to join The family, and which are going to sleep with the fishes...?
Sheldon's Links:
Music by Michael Rawcliffe Audio.
MTF- @MTFlavouring,
Andy- @AndyMannface,
Nathan- @TheFoxintheMoon,